How to Care Dogs with Fur vs. Hair 

When it comes to taking care of our canine companions, we often use the terms “fur” and “hair” interchangeably. However, it’s important to understand that these words actually refer to different types of coats that dogs can have. Knowing the distinction between fur and hair is crucial for providing care for your furry friend. So, in case you have pets, this guide will be extremely helpful for you to take care of them. In this guide, we will explore the differences between fur and hair and provide you with some tips on how to properly care for dogs with each type of coat.

Understanding Fur versus Hair

So, what is the difference between dogs with hair vs fur? Both fur and hair are composed of a protein called keratin. The main difference lies in their structure and texture. Fur is denser, and typically, it has a noticeable undercoat. Its purpose is to offer insulation and protection against weather conditions. Dogs with fur coats usually shed seasonally, known as “blowing their coat,” when they lose their undercoat in preparation for one. Breeds such as the Siberian Husky, Samoyed, and Alaskan Malamute are examples of dogs with fur coats.

On the other hand, hair is finer, softer, and grows continuously without an undercoat. It tends to grow more fur.

Dogs that have hair coats tend to shed less compared to those with fur coats. Breeds like Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, and Shih Tzus are examples of dogs with hair coats that usually require grooming to prevent tangling and matting.

Taking Care of Dogs with Fur

If you have a dog with a fur coat, it’s important to groom them to maintain their health and appearance. Here are some essential tips for caring for dogs with fur;

1. Regular brushing: Dogs with fur coats benefit from brushing to remove hair, prevent tangling, and distribute natural oils. Use a brush for your dog’s coat type and be gentle while brushing to avoid any discomfort.

2. Bathing as needed: While dogs with fur coats generally don’t need baths, it’s important to clean them when necessary. Make sure you use a shampoo that’s safe for dogs, and rinse thoroughly to avoid any irritation.

3. Monitoring shedding: Dogs with fur coats typically shed more during seasons, so be prepared for shedding during those times. Regular brushing will help manage shedding and keep your dog’s coat healthy. Additionally, consider using a shedding tool to remove excess hair.

4. Professional grooming: Depending on your dog’s breed and the condition of their coat, professional grooming may be necessary, at times. A skilled groomer can assist you in trimming, shaping, and taking care of your dog’s fur.

Caring for Dogs with Long Hair

Dogs with hair require grooming due to the length and texture of their fur. Here are some important tips for caring for dogs with hair;

Brush daily: It’s important to brush dogs with hair every day to prevent any mats or tangles. Use a slicker brush. Comb gently to remove any knots. If you come across any mats, take your time. Work on them slowly to avoid causing any discomfort or pain.

Regular haircuts: Depending on your dog’s breed and personal preference, it may be necessary to give them haircuts. This helps keep their fur manageable and prevents it from growing and becoming unhygienic.

Keep the fur clean: Regular bathing is crucial for dogs with hair. Use a shampoo specifically designed for dogs and rinse thoroughly. After bathing, make sure to dry their fur to prevent any skin issues related to moisture.

Consider grooming: Professional grooming is often recommended for dogs with long hair, especially if they have complex hairstyles or require breed-specific trims. A professional groomer can help maintain your dog’s coat and ensure it looks its best.


Caring for your dog, regardless of whether they have fur or hair, is crucial for their health and happiness. It’s important to understand the distinction between fur and hair so that you can provide care for your furry friend. Remember to brush their coats, give them baths when necessary, and consider grooming if needed. Giving your dog care and attention ensures that their coat remains healthy, glossy, and gorgeous.

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